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Perris Valley Pipeline – North Reach

Client: Metropolitan Water District



Project Description: The project was constructed to provide increased reliability and water quality to western Riverside County. To increase Metropolitan Water District’s delivery capacity to 150 million gallons per day, W.A. Rasic Construction installed approximately 2.7 miles of owner-furnished 96-inch and 108-inch steel CML&C water pipeline (each 40-foot pipe joint weighs 35,000-pounds) to depths up to 60-feet, constructed two 12-foot diameter tunnels totaling 985 linear feet using blasting and open face mining methods, constructed a 110 cubic yard cast-in-place concrete valve vault and a 165 cubic yard cast-in-place concrete metering facility, and performed extensive roadway reconstruction that included placing more than 20,000 tons of asphalt. The project involved more than 125,000 cubic yards of hard rock excavation using multiple methods, such as blasting, FIRPing, and hydraulic braking. Most of the work was on an arterial street and required major traffic control.