Archibald Pressure Betterment
Client: Southern California Gas Company
Location: Ontario, CA
Project Description: To increase the delivery of natural gas, W.A. Rasic Construction was contracted to abandon 1,600 linear feet of existing four-inch steel natural gas pipe and install 1,680 linear feet of four-inch PE pipe. The project included a 36-inch diameter jack and bore section under a drainage channel and removed a portion of the existing steel pipe inside a bridged cavity. The jack and bore section was installed at 25 feet deep using an engineered shoring system for the 40-foot-long jacking pit and a 10-foot-long receiving pit. Due to rocky conditions. a 36-inch casing was used for the bore. Approximately half of the new four-inch PE gas main was installed via an open trench, while the other half was directionally bored. Work was completed in a major thoroughfare in Ontario and required significant traffic control measures. Roadways were also replaced.