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California High Speed Train Project Construction Package 1- AT&T Duct Bank

Client: California High Speed Rail Authority (TPZP JV)


Project Value: $40M

Project Description:  As part of the California High Speed Rail Project, many sections of AT&T’s communication infrastructure had to be relocated. W.A. Rasic Construction was selected to relocate one of the first sections near Fresno. The scope entailed installing more than 65,000 linear feet of duct bank, 57.28 miles of four-inch conduit with more than 15,000 cubic yards of concrete encasement, and 105 pre-cast concrete structures, including manholes and pull boxes. We constructed the communications system using open-cut trenching with multiple types of shoring and eight micro-tunnels under the UPRR, BNSF, and SJVR railroad right-of-way/tracks. Additional work elements included intercepting live conduits in multiple locations, demolishing and rebuilding existing concrete structures to accommodate additional conduit systems, and placing 70,000 square feet of asphalt paving.